Dare To Accept: A Poem About Autism Acceptance

gray treetop view

Acceptance can be difficult for some, especially those who have never experienced the hardships that accompany a disability. Autism acceptance is something we look forward to as our vulnerable children try to navigate a life very different from the masses.

Autism is a different way to see,

A unique perspective, a new reality.

It may bring challenges, it may bring strengths,

But all individuals deserve respect, no matter the length.

We should strive for acceptance, not just awareness,

To break down barriers and end social unfairness.

Let’s embrace neurodiversity and celebrate differences,

For everyone deserves love and acceptance in all circumstances.

So let us open our hearts and minds wide,

And stand by those who may feel different inside.

Together we can create a world that’s kind and just,

Where everyone is given value, and where acceptance is a must.