Lost Friends Since Your Child’s Diagnosis? 4 Things To Remember

young woman sitting on rock watching sunset

Being a parent is a hard task. It takes a lot more than we sometimes bargain for and having a village of support is necessary, regardless of how strong you are as an individual. When life takes unexpected turns, you rely on your family and friends to help you through it. Having your child diagnosed with a disability is never something a parent expects, and often leads to fear and uncertainty. You would expect that those closest to you will be there with you, but what if that doesn’t happen? What do you do when you have lost friends after your child’s diagnosis?

Losing friends can be very painful, regardless of the reason. It however seems to hit harder when it’s a result of something so personal to you that is entirely out of your control. You will experience many emotions, but in the end, you may be better off without them. Here are three reasons why.

1. They probably weren’t your friend

A true friend sticks by you, especially when times get tough. If that person left so easily, they never planned on sticking around anyway and probably did not consider you a friend to begin with.

2. They may not have known how to support you

Unfortunately, not everyone will know how to support you during this phase of your life. Real friends will stick around to learn how.

3. It’s natural, and a part of life

As we get older, our circle gets smaller. Not everyone currently in your life is meant to be there forever, and that is totally okay.

4. You’ll gain new friends

As we journey through life, our circumstances and experiences open us up to new people on the same or similar journeys to ours. You may find that it’s easier to form relationships with those who understand what you’re going through as they also have a child with a disability.

So although it may hurt now, losing that friend may have been for the best. With that said, ensure you are being a good friend to those who do stick around as friendships shouldn’t be one-sided.